My flight back home to Hawaii was eventually booked on AMERICAN AIRLINES. I had booked a flight with United Airlines months before the travel date and that experience became a nightmare. Even though I was told I would be able to get a rapid COVID19 test in SFO, if I booked through there on the flight, I found out, after a week of phone calls and hours on each call, that I couldn’t. This with only days left to departure. I will never fly United Airlines again! More on that in a future post, so stand by for that one. My back up routing was on American Airlines. I generally try to avoid this company but given the circumstances, it had the best option for my needs. They offered testing at Dallas’s DFW terminal and I was able to call the clinic and arrange for a time to be tested the next morning after arrival. With that confirmed, I went on to book my flight from YYZ to DFW for a layover followed by the direct flight to HNL the next morning after the test. Just the way it should work United!
You can forget about direct flights if your travel is taking you more than 3 hours away or overseas. I had to get to DFW, layover for one night, and then get a COVID19 rapid test the following morning for the flight to Honolulu. Then there are the extra forms you need to fill out and file. You also may need to download information to the authorities and possibly carry a code on your phone. It’s a lot more complicated getting around in the mid-pandemic travel era. Getting out of the YYZ terminal was a lot easier than I imagined. The place was so empty that customs was happy to see me or at least a traveller in the hall. A rapid cold front was approaching the field and I had hoped to get airborne before she hit. Unfortunately, Murphy’s Law kicked in at the gate.
Boarding was on time and social distance markers and mask-wearing were observed at the Priority Lane. The aircraft was not only clean but spotless. There were only two flight attendants on board, however, the service was very good on the half-full flight. I was served a cold meal and a glass of wine (in a plastic cup) while seated in First Class. Once we did get airborne things smoothed out considerably on the A319 and I was finally able to sit back and enjoy the flight to Dallas. It was a short respite since there was so much more to do and I was essentially in uncharted waters even with my extensive background in aviation and travel. I have to say though, it sure was nice to be in the air again, and travelling to another destination. As Jackie Gleason used to say “how sweet it is”! Spending the past 8 months cooped up in condos proved to be way too much downtime. I planned to stay right in the terminal at DFW’s GRAND HYATT so the COVID test in the morning would be just steps away.

Those who follow me on the website or Instagram know that I’m a big fan of GRAND HYATT HOTELS. They have always gone that extra mile for me and the experience at DFW was no different. I arrived at reception to check-in and was immediately upgraded to a luxury suite overlooking the runways at the airport (pretty cool). More than adequate for yours truly. That King Bed was looking pretty good after a long but pleasant day back in the skies. I decided to order a pizza and just settle in for the night as I had an early morning appointment for a COVID19 test.

I headed for security early in the morning not knowing what to expect at the COVID19 testing area. Getting through security was fairly quick with only a few people in line. What a change from the pushing crowds of 8 months ago! The test centre was just down the hall and a short walk from security. No lines! I was immediately escorted to one of the cubicles and the swab was administered by a very nice nurse. A mere 15 minutes later I had the test result. The staff even helped me download the result to the Hawaiian Government Travel site so I could get a valid QR code for the proper airport line on arrival. Now I was starting to feel a lot better. So far, so good, and only the flight and screening to go.

I still had over an hour to boarding time so I thought there was plenty of time to check out an airline lounge that was close to the departure gate. I hadn’t stepped into a lounge in over 8 months. When I escaped from AUSTRALIA just before everything in the world locked down, the airline lounges had already been shut down. The Club has an excellent location that is close to the Covid Testing Center at D40 and many of the American Airline gates. Access was easy and touchless with my PRIORITY PASS card.

The Club was very clean and nicely laid out in a small setting. The staff was friendly and helpful and offered great service. Drinks and food were available. There was a private business area to relax in and a business seating section as well. I’ll definitely be back and highly recommend the experience.

Time went by quickly in The Club and before I knew it I had to make my way down to the gate. As my readers know, I like to get in line first, get on board early, and take advantage of the business class bin over my seat. Boarding in the Priority lane was right on schedule. Travelling the Covid Skies means social distance markers in queues and wearing a mask unless eating or drinking. American Airlines 777 first class was very roomy and spotlessly clean. I had seat 6J for this flight which is a single, angled pod affair on the windows with nice large bins clearly marked for first class. It had good legroom and was perfect for solo travellers, not to mention for travel during the plague (I had almost 6 feet between the middle row and myself as well).

AA5 left the gate on time and after the traditional long DFW taxi, we were airborne on what would be a pleasant, smooth, and comfortable flight to Honolulu. I found this entire experience on American Airlines to be delightful and such a change from the flights I had endured in previous years. They had really stepped up their game compared to the past.

As we climbed out the crew passed out the menus for first-class passengers. So nice to have full service back. That bread and water routine of earlier in the year was totally unacceptable and unnecessary. I started with a nice Malbec from Argentina which had a fragrant nose and smooth finish. I had planned to get the Surf and Turf but they told me that it was sold out. AA needs to fix this. I’m in seat 6, so how can you be out of a plate selection already? I ordered the Macadamia crusted Sea Bass with citrus creme and quinoa instead and this was followed up by a nice lemon cheesecake for dessert. I enjoyed the lunch and settled in for the rest of the flight. There was a delightful cheese tray served towards the end of the flight along with a nice smooth Merlot. Soon the Oahu shoreline came into sight and I knew that I was almost home.
Is it more difficult flying around in 2021? The short answer would be yes. I would also have to add that it’s a much more pleasant experience than most of 2020. The level of service, at least in first or business class, is returning to more of a pre-pandemic class. The process and the degree of bureaucracy you endure depends on where you are travelling to. I’ll be writing more on that later, so stay tuned. Yes, I had to jump a lot of hoops to get back into Hawaii, but the whole thing went rather smoothly, much to my surprise. You will need to do your homework before planning a trip. One of the other nice surprises on this trip was American Airlines. I truly enjoyed the service from the gate to right through the flight. I will have no hesitation to use them again should the need arise. Well done American!